The requirements for been a financial member of NASME
Membership of NASME is categorized into 4 major Categories
Micro Enterprises (btw 1 - 9 employees)
Small Enterprises (btw 10 - 49 employees)
Medium Enterprises (btw 50 - 249 employees)
1. Micro Enterprises- N5000 Registration fee and N5000 Annual Subscription =
2. Small Enterprises - N10,000 registration fee and N20,000 Annual Subscription = N30,000
3. Medium Enterprises - N20,000 registration fee and N30,000 Annual Subscription = N50,000
4. Cooperatives - N20,000 registration fee and N30,000 Annual Subscription = N50,000
Note: NASME is also aware that there are individuals,prospective entrepreneurs and business owners whose businesses have not yet started off but desirous of been members of NASME.
Those category of individuals can be registered as Nano members with a little amount as registration fee. This enables them to partake in exercises or events of NASME as members but does not give them full privileges enjoyed by Financial members
1. Intending members are to collect our Membership Application Form,fill and return it to the Anambra Chapter Office
2. Except for Nano Membership,all other category of membership requires Certificate of Business Registration from CAC before been admitted as members
3. Two passport photographs of contact person
4. Confirmation of payment of desired membership category
In the coming weeks we will make our Membership Forms ready for intending members and also furnish the house with the official bank account of Anambra Chapter
Thanks and do have a wonderful week
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